Farnham School – Acoustic Noise Case Study
It’s always a pleasure to work with schools and make a genuine and sustainable difference to the quality of sound in educational settings. Dating from
As experts in sound control, we’re very familiar with which acoustic materials work best according to the nature, scope and layout of your space.
Thanks to the materials we use, the solutions we offer to noise and reverberation issues in diverse settings are technically advanced, resulting in optimal performance.
Take a look at the difference we’ve made.
It’s always a pleasure to work with schools and make a genuine and sustainable difference to the quality of sound in educational settings. Dating from
THE BACKGROUND The town of Boston in Lincolnshire has long been under threat from tidal flooding – and in 2013 a major tidal surge over-topped
As the approved supplier for noise control and acoustic products and services to West Lothian Council, we were asked to supply and install our acoustic
Our Quilted Studio Acoustic Blankets was the architect’s first choice product behind the London Science Museum revamp. They wanted a fabric quilted blanket which could easily adhere
Acoustic Cubes offer excellent broadband sound absorption: they are lightweight cubes which are easily installed between existing services and are ideal for large spaces where
Our vertically hung Clinic Plus+ hygienic Baffle was the perfect system to use in Carlsberg’s bottling plant. We installed over 2500 in their brand new bottling facility
Sound Control Services were tasked with building two new recording studios and a control room at De Montfort University in Leicester. After an initial consultation
We installed suspended Absorbers, Raft Panels & a Wall liner system (Curved) to control the Reverberation Time (RT) within lecture theatres at Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge.
Part sculpture, part chandelier, the wave-like ceiling in this iconic hotel restaurant was created from seven thousand delicate glass receptacles filled with vibrantly coloured spices.
Falmouth University’s latest academy building for innovation & research required an aesthetic solution to their reverberation problem. To solve the problem we installed acoustic raft
Our SoftWall Feature Panels were installed in a Volkswagen car showroom and are excellent for controlling Reverberation Time (RT) and improving acoustics in spaces like car
Installing RTPanels to the ceiling and SoftWall Feature Panels to the walls enabled the client to control the reverberation time within a call centre environment to a satisfactory level.
Sound Control Services Ltd
Scalford Station
Melton Road, Scalford
Melton Mowbray
LE14 4UD
VAT Registration No. 837 7267 89. Registered in England & Wales No. 5776651 | Website designed by Brookstone Creative Ltd.